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Maternity Legal

Sep 12, 2024

Maternity Legal

DNA testing can establish whether a biological relationship exists between two individuals. This is typically done by collecting DNA samples from both individuals using cheek swabs and then comparing them.

A maternity test is specifically designed to determine if someone is the biological mother of a child. This is achieved by comparing the alleged mother’s DNA with the child’s DNA.

The results from a maternity test can be used in various legal contexts, such as:

  • Issues related to birth certificates
  • Adoption processes
  • Child custody or visitation disputes
  • Immigration matters
  • Eligibility for medical, Social Security, or military benefits
  • Other legal or official situations

If you need a maternity test for personal information and not for legal purposes, consider an Informational Maternity Test. Note that results from an Informational Maternity Test are not legally admissible.

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